A Letter to Parents – Help for your Teenager during COVID-19 school closure and lockdown
Dear Caring Parent,
I am responding to a call for help from parents of teenagers, many of whom have contacted us to ask for advice and to seek clarity and guidance about the education of their children.
Since March 2020, the education of young people has been disrupted. Schools are closed and GCSE and A-level examination cancelled – with potentially damaging consequences for millions of teenagers all over the country.
I have put together a special report aimed at providing guidance and sharing ideas on how parents can manage this lockdown situation. This is so their sons and daughter can come out of this with little or no adverse effect on their education
Why should you be taking to, or listening to people like me at this time?
Reason no. 1
The current situation has the potential to cause damage to the education of young people of all age groups – and this includes both the ones who were meant to be taking examinations this summer and those who were not.
Reason no. 2
Yes, the government and schools have provided information, but there are so many grey areas, with insufficient detail. As you know, there are policies and statements that institutions put out; however, there are also practices and customs that are not published, but reflect reality. If you are not aware of some of these, they may have an adverse effect on your teenager’s education
Reason no. 3
Perhaps myself or one of my colleagues – education consultants – can help to shed more light on certain aspects in which an expert opinion may come in handy.
Many young people will, no doubt, lose out; however, some will be less affected. In fact, some teenagers will somehow come out of this rather anxious time in a strong position. This will be those who, with the help of their parents or schools or both, capitalise on opportunities this new way of learning brings. Yes, almost all schools are providing some sort of online teaching; however, the reality is that the quality and effectiveness of the education they provide vary widely. In the latest virtual meeting that I had with my colleagues who teach in schools, I was shocked to learn about the wide gap between the level of provision by different schools. It disturbs me to see that what some schools are providing is no more than a tick-box exercise, which is bound to leave their students worse off in the long-run.
Help is at Hand
The least we parents and teachers can do is to help each other out in these testing times. As a parent and a teacher, with 27 years experience, I’ve got some key information to share with you, and this is not about asking you to enrol on any of the courses we provide at present. It is all about sharing practical ideas and proven techniques, so that your child will be one of the teenagers whose education is less affected by the disruption and uncertainty this pandemic continues to cause.
In fact, I am confident that my suggestions will help many teenagers to have a very highly competitive advantage. Sadly, many other teenagers will fail to grasp the opportunity presented and will lag behind at the end of the lockdown period – whenever that is.
A Free Report, that I will send to you as an e-book, will assist you in helping your teenager to come out of this lockdown with a stronger academic performance
See here to get a copy of the Free Report
Before you read the report, I’d like you to watch five short videos that I have recorded.
After watching the videos, you can request a copy of my report and, if you wish, book a consultation appointment with me. This is all complimentary and at zero cost to you.
Please follow the link below to watch those short videos, with the option of requesting the report and booking a consultation call with me.
Please make sure you watch the short videos, as they are informative and each is about three or four minutes long.
I wish you and your family all the best and I look forward to speaking to your soon.
Stay safe!
Idris Musty (Mr)
Get a copy of the free report here