GCSE & A-level Grade BoosterSaturday Classes, Intensive Revision during school holidays and other Courses Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, English & Further Maths Improved GCSE or A-Level Grades Call 020 7112 4832 HomeAbout This Academic Year Saturday Classes Our Teachers Our Centres Open Day Help and Hints Seven Key Tips Success Tips Practical Help and Hints for Parents Saturday Dates Assisted PlacesGrade Guarantee Free Consultation Why Use UsCourses Easter Revision Christmas Intensive Revision This Academic Year Saturday School February Intensive Revision Half-Term Revision May Half Term Intensive Revision Oct Half Term Intensive Revision Intensive Revision One Day Courses Summer Booster Summer Enhancement Bootcamp Courses Our Unique Revision Enhancer Consultation A (Online) Consultation B Consultation CSubjects Maths Physics Chemistry Biology English Language English Literature Science Combined Science Triple Science History Economics Psychology Business StudiesFees 2024-25 Academic year Fees AS and A2 Fees GCSE & IGCSE Fees KS3 Fees In Person Fees Intensive Courses Tuition One-to-one Teaching Consultation A (Online) Consultation B Consultation CProspectusBookingTestimonials What some Parents say after 2021 A-level Results Success Stories A Success Story – Maths Case Study Science Case Study Mr De Bernier Nathanael IsraelContact Free ConsultationJobs GCSE Tutors Online – Excel iLearn Graduate Teacher of Maths Graduate Teacher of Physics Graduate Teacher of Chemistry Graduate Teacher of English Graduate Teacher of Biology Teaching Jobs Admin jobs Sales jobs Courses Adviser JobOpen DayBlog Optimism in autumn term ; Nature or nurture; Fingers are not equal… Optimism in the air in the new academic year; nature or nurture…. Green and pleasant land; quality time; teenagers at home in the summer and all that… Should teenagers follow their passion when choosing subjects or a degree course? Yes, but…. 21 Exam Success Tips GCSE & A-level Exams Parental support is never over until the last exam 7 Ways for your child to maximise their GCSE or A-level exam result in 2022 21 Exam Booster Tips – full list Education Arms Race – the secret weapon Return to school; Learning technology and Grade Misallocation – making the best of … There is light at the end of the tunnel for GCSE and A-level students GCSE & A level merry go round – Exams, no exams… Actually, they’ll have a test! GCSE and A-level exams – now a marathon and not a sprint! Relax, Rejoice, Reflect and Re-energise, and let’s look forward to 2021 with optimism Is Online Learning the future for school children?Newsletter Assisted Places Application Parent's details First Name Last Name Email * Phone 1 First parent’s full name (parent/guardian who's applying) Is the first parent a (father, mother or guardian) Please select oneFatherMotherGuardian Job Title Annual income First parent's educational qualifications Where did you hear about Excel In Key Subjects Why are you applying for an assisted place? Do you know anyone else who might benefit from an assisted place Other Field Home and Billing Street Address 1 Home and Billing City Home and Billing State Home and Billing Postal Code Student's details Son or Daughter Please select onesondaughterson and daughterselfsonsdaughtersgranddaughtergrandsonnephewniecerelativefriendchildbrothersister Level of Study Please select oneA2ASGCSE (Mature)GCSE (Year 11)GCSE (Year 10)IGCSE (Year 11)IGCSE (Year 10)KS3 (Year 9)KS3 (Year 8)KS3 (Year 7)KS2OtherDon't KnowLeft Secondary EducationTest 1Test 2 First Subject Please select one---Please select one---English LiteratureEnglish LanguageMathsBiologyChemistryPhysicsBusiness Studies (AS and A2 only)Economics (AS and A2 only)Further MathsHistory (AS and A2 only)Psychology (AS and A2 only)ScienceScience (Core - Single)Science (Additional - Double)Science (Triple)StatisticsMechanics Second Subject Please select one---Please select one---English LiteratureEnglish LanguageMathsBiologyChemistryPhysicsBusiness Studies (AS and A2 only)Economics (AS and A2 only)Further MathsHistory (AS and A2 only)Psychology (AS and A2 only)ScienceScience (Core - Single)Science (Additional - Double)Science (Triple)StatisticsMechanics Third Subject Please select one---Please select one---English LiteratureEnglish LanguageMathsBiologyChemistryPhysicsBusiness Studies (AS and A2 only)Economics (AS and A2 only)Further MathsHistory (AS and A2 only)Psychology (AS and A2 only)ScienceScience (Core - Single)Science (Additional - Double)Science (Triple)StatisticsMechanics Submit Success Tips For your child's success, request it now. Title * Please select oneMr.Mrs.Ms.MissMr. & Mrs.Dr.Dr & Mrs.Dr. & Dr.Ms. & Mr.Mr. & Ms.Mr. & Dr.Rev & Mrs.Rev.AmbassadorProf.Prof & Mrs. First Name/ Initial * Last Name * Email * Phone * Son or Daughter * Please select onesondaughterson and daughterselfsonsdaughtersgranddaughtergrandsonnephewniecerelativefriendchildbrothersister Level of Study * Please select oneA2 (A-level 2nd year)AS (A-level 1st year)GCSE (Year 11)GCSE (Year 10)IGCSE (Year 11)IGCSE (Year 10)KS3 (Year 9)KS3 (Year 8)KS3 (Year 7)KS2 (Y6)KS2 (Y5)KS2 (Y4)KS2 (Y3)KS2 (Y2)KS2 (Y1)GCSE (Mature - left school)Left Secondary EducationOtherDon't KnowASA2 Courses you are interested In Please select one---Please select one---Saturday ClassesChristmas/New Year RevisionEaster RevisionFebruary Half-Term RevisionMay/June Half-Term RevisionOctober Half Term RevisionSummer BoosterOne-on-OneSeminar Primary subject you are interested in * Please select oneEnglish LiteratureEnglish LanguageMathsBiologyChemistryPhysicsBusiness Studies (AS and A2 only)Economics (AS and A2 only)Further MathsHistory (AS and A2 only)Psychology (AS and A2 only)ScienceScience (Core - Single)Science (Additional - Double)Science (Triple) Second subject you are interested in Please select one---Please select one---English LiteratureEnglish LanguageMathsBiologyChemistryPhysicsBusiness Studies (AS and A2 only)Economics (AS and A2 only)Further MathsHistory (AS and A2 only)Psychology (AS and A2 only)ScienceScience (Core - Single)Science (Additional - Double)Science (Triple) Please tick if you require our full prospectus * Submit Input Keyword