Easter Revision

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Easter Revision
GCSE/IGCSE & A Levels Intensive revision courses to BOOST your Child’s exam GRADES
Intensive revision courses at UCL
Intensive Course main benefits:
- Boosting confidence with achievable expectations
- Teaching exam techniques to deal with challenging questions
- Using past examination papers to give students confidence in preparing for current exams
- Reinforcing knowledge and good practice
- Minimising stress through rigorous exam preparation
- Monitoring student performance and identifying weaknesses and strengths
There’s never been a better time to give your child an academic edge.
Most grades improve by two levels.Fill out the form below to secure your discount!
We have helped over 80% of our A-level students to improve their grades. With over 95% of our GCSE students achieving grades A* to C, we can’t be doing too badly!
“In the run-up to my exams I was given probably the best revision help I have ever received, and so was able to get through my exams with the minimal amount of stress. When I heard that I had achieved my A-grade in English A-level I felt that the congratulations should reallygo to Excel in Key Subjects for their ongoing support and excellent teaching.” M F (Student who studied A2 English Literature)
Saturday Classes“I was predicted a D in Maths, but I managed to prove teachers at my school wrong, and through the help I received at Excel, I achieved an A*. The same goes for Science: I was hopeless in school, but, thanks to Excel, I got an A.”
– At AS and A2 level, each subject is studied for 20 hours and this time is spread over three days. There are 6 hours 40 minutes of study each day. Courses are usually from 9am to about 4.30pm each day, with a 45 minute lunch break and two short breaks. As each subject is studied over three days, students taking two subjects study for 6 days.
– At GCSE, each subject is studied for 12 hours and this time is spread over two days. There are 6 hours of study each day. Courses are usually from 9am to about 4pm each day, with a 45 minute lunch break and two short breaks. As each subject is studied over two days, students taking two subjects study for 4 days.
– Intensive revision courses are run during each half-term school holiday (October, February & May) and end-of-term school holiday (Christmas, Easter, Summer)
Saturday ClassesOctober Half Term
Late October 2017
020 7112 4832
December 2017
020 7112 4832
February Half Term
February 2018
020 7112 4832
April 2018
020 7112 4832
Number of subjects | GCSE/IGCSE Fees | A Level Fees |
1 | £345 | £595 |
2 | £655 | £1,160 |
3 | £960 | £1,685 |
4 | £1,250 | £2,225 |
5 | £1,515 | £2,695 |
Saturday ClassesSuccess Tips
For your child’s success, request it now.
Esma, ex Student, recently graduated from LSE | Mr. De Bernier, parent of an ex-student | Nathaniel, ex-student at Excel In Key Subjects | Israel, ex-student at Excel In Key Subjects |