Failure to plan for A-level or GCSE Exams is a plan to Fail
I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase several times that “Failure to plan is a plan to fail.” This very much applies to teenagers as many of them face what is, perhaps, the most important test in their lives to far – the summer examinations. Hard work is important and most young people are working hard these days; however, it isn’t sufficient just to work hard. Working smart will deliver a better result and will reduce the level of anxiety and should make the whole experience of studying more enjoyable for teenagers.
Studying or preparation for exams cannot be in isolation from everyday life and, if one is not careful, life will get in the way of exams or exams get in the way of life! Working smart includes putting into practice certain habits and procedures that have helped other young people to achieve highly in the past. Better planning makes it easier for teenagers to manage themselves at this critical time and we parents have a role to play in assisting them to make the correct decision and in getting more out of the limited time they have available.
In this message, I’d like to invite you to read a blogpost article that was written by one of my colleagues, Gordon Esler, a couple of years ago. The title is “Maximising marks in the exams – a few tips” and it offers many practical recommendations in several areas that are involved in getting ready in the weeks leading to the summer examinations.
One thing I’d like to reassure you about, as a parent, is yes, the summer exams are imminent; however, there is still a lot that can be achieved in the remaining few weeks that are left. By the way, although the exams start in about the middle of May, for most students, the main part of the examinations are actually in the first week of June for GCSE students. For A-level students, they do not finish their biggest exams until about the third week of June or so. Every single day matters from now until the day of the very last exam paper. I’m sure the more sensible teenagers started preparing for the exams long ago. However, irrespective of when your child started preparing, there is still a lot to do and there is much that can still be achieved in the coming weeks that can make a real difference to their exam grades.
After reading this, I’d suggest you have a conversation with your teenagers and perhaps give them access by sending them a link to some of the materials we will be sharing with you in the next couple of months.
In the next week or two, what we’ll be publishing includes “21 Exam Tips” by Megan Smith, a young lady and former colleague who graduated from Cambridge University and is now in the final stages of her training to become a barrister. You will also be hearing from Peter, a young man, who graduated from York University and has just finished his masters’ degree at LSE. One of Peter’s main interest is communication and he will be seeking to speak directly with your teenager and share valuable ideas about how he did well at A-level and went to the Russell Group Universities.
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