Below are Five Questions you may be asking yourself as a parent of a teenager - following COVID-19 School Closure Exam cancellation and Lockdown
- Have I got enough information about my child’s next stage of education and is there a clear focus to prevent adverse effects the current situation may have?
- Is the level of teaching/support being provided by the school sufficient to stimulate him/her?
- Is he/she working productively and able to make the best of the time he/she has – getting the balance between school work and relaxation right?
- Is my child using technology to his/her long-term benefit, or is it more of a distraction than a useful tool for leverage?
- Will he/she still be able to achieve the grade(s) he/she needs in the subjects that really matter
For a Free Report on “Nine Crucial Steps to Mitigate Long-Term Damage to Your Son’s or Daughter’s Education”