Excel in Key Subjects is in its 16th year of successfully helping teenagers to improve their GCSE and A-level exam grades in the subjects that matter most
Since 2004, we have helped several thousands of teenagers, boosting their exam performance and helping them gain their full potential by constantly providing their needs in a well-oriented manner where they can get greater attention from the teachers, be provided with feedback that plays a vital role to get good marks, and a stress-free environment away from the congestion of a normal school setup.
Mr. McManus BEd (Hons) MA(Ed) NPQH)
Our Senior Physics Teacher and Head of Science speaks about the impact of the Saturday Classes in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. He talks about the benefits the revision classes bring in maximizing students’ potential and enhancing their understanding of the topics – allowing them to obtain top exam grades in Triple Science and Combined (double) Science.
Mr. J Smith MA Oxon – Mathematics
In this short video, Mr. J Smith compares the differences between the two-day or three-day intensive revision courses and the regular, weekly Saturday Classes for GCSE and A-level students. In his explanation, you can see the benefits for each of the two courses, and how they can help in making a difference to students’ understanding and examination performance.
GCSE Day 1
Teaching of key topics, with detailed explanations of concepts and question practice. Examples and practice questions are done as part of the teaching. Work is set for the students to complete the following day. They do this at home and write by hand and must scan/take pictures of what they have done and send it in by e-mail. All teaching is done by a live video via Zoom or Skype. Six hours of teaching with one long break of 45 minutes and about three short breaks of about 10 to 15 minutes each.
GCSE Day 2
Working individually at home by answering the questions that are set. Students are expected to spend about four hours working at home and do the work in handwriting (this reflects what is required in a real exam). When the student finishes, he or she must scan/take pictures of the work they have completed and send it in by e-mail or download it onto our portal.
GCSE Day 3
A recap of work covered on Day 1 and also feedback on the questions the students have done at home on Day 2. After that, the same format as in Day 1 – teaching of key topics, with detailed explanation of concepts and question practice. Like Day 1, examples and practice questions are done as part of the teaching. All teaching is done by a live video via Zoom or Skype. Six hours of teaching with one long break of 45 minutes and about three short breaks of about 10 to 15 minutes each.
AS and A2
A-Level Day 1
Teaching of key topics, with detailed explanations of concepts and question practice. Examples and practice questions are done as part of the teaching. Seven hours of teaching with one long break of 45 minutes and about three short breaks of about 10 to 15 minutes each. All teaching is done by a live video via Zoom or Skype.
A-Level Day 2
The day starts with a quick recap of work covered on Day 1. After that, the same format is followed as in Day 1 – teaching of key topics, with detailed explanation of concepts and question practice, putting emphasis on exam technique.
Seven hours of teaching with one long break of 45 minutes and about three short breaks of about 10 to 15 minutes each. All teaching is done by a live video via Zoom or Skype.
A-Level Day 3
Working individually at home by answering the questions that are set. Students are expected to spend four to six hours working at home and to do the work in handwriting (this reflects what is required in a real exam). When the student finishes, he or she must scan/take pictures of the work they have completed and send it in by e-mail or download it onto our portal.
A-Level Day 4
A recap of work covered on Days 1 and 2, and also feedback on the questions the students have done at home on Day 3. After that, it follows the same format as in the previous days – teaching of key topics, with detailed explanation of concepts and question practice.
All teaching is done by a live video via Zoom or Skype. Seven hours of teaching with one long break of 45 minutes and about three short breaks of about 10 to 15 minutes each.
Additional Information
** Access to video of the lesson for one year after the course. The one-to-one videos will be the only one with student's photo being shown.
** Where there is only one student, if we decide to offer the course, the student will receive 50% of the allocated time for one–to-one teaching. The fees are the same as the one-to-one session.
** Preparation required: The teacher must be able to see the student during the lesson. A camera or visualiser for showing the work the student is doing is helpful, if the student has one. If not, the teacher will occasionally ask the student to show the work on the screen.
** All lessons are recorded and are available for the students to access, in a secure place online, for one year after the course. The video showing the student’s face will only be available for the one-to-one session for individual students to have access to and not made available to others.
** For each long teaching session, there is a short 15-minute break in the middle.
** A-level content to be covered: The course will cover pre-selected topics, which are specified before the course starts. The range and volume of the content will depend on which time in the academic year the particular intensive revision course is held. The students in the group will be invited to submit a list of topics so there will be clarity on content to be covered.
** Printed question booklets are sent to the student in the post well in advance of the course starting. Writing on paper is absolutely vital, as this reflects the way the real exam will be done, at least for now!
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Why Students & Parents Love and Choose US
Esma, former student just graduated from LSE - London School of Economics
Mr De Bernier, parent of a former student
Nathanael, former student at Excel In Key Subjects
Israel, former student at Excel In Key Subjects