A Boost in your Child’s GCSE or A-level Grades with Effective Tuition Classes – classes are held at St James School, Kensington Olympia
Booster Classes for Top Exam Grades at GCSE and A-level
Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, English and Further Maths
Effective small-group classes on Saturdays
Tried and tested teaching programme that has helped thousands to achieve high grades since 2004
So confident of success are we that we operate a Grade Guarantee scheme on some of our courses – subject to terms and conditions.
Do you want to BOOST your child’s KS3 Performance and Grades?
Complete the form below or call us on 020 7112 4832 and let’s talk about how to make that happen!
Mr. McManus BEd (Hons) MA(Ed) NPQH)
Our Senior Physics Teacher and Head of Science speaks about the impact of the Saturday Classes in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. He talks about the benefits the revision classes bring in maximising students’ potential and enhancing their understanding of the topics – allowing them to obtain top exam grades in Triple Science and Combined (double) Science.
Mr. J Smith MA Oxon – Mathematics
In this short video, Mr. J Smith compares the differences between the two-day or three-day intensive revision courses and the regular, weekly Saturday Classes for GCSE and A-level students. In his explanation, you can see the benefits for each of the two courses, and how they can help to make a difference to students’ understanding and examination performance.

Small group tuition and one-to-one tutorial

Improve Exam Grades

Boost Your Child's Confidence
You, as a parent, know your child's potential better than anyone. You know that, with a little help, your child can excel and achieve higher exam grades in the core academic subjects of Maths, English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. This includes Double (Combined) and Triple Science.
Making this happen is what we are all about at Excel in Key Subjects. We are so sure we can help to improve your child's grades that we will fully refund* your tuition fees if your child does not attain the grades we predict! See our grade guarantee policy for more details.
Register your child now for our Saturday classes, or just call us and let’s begin the conversation on how to turn the dream into reality.
Or, if you feel your child just needs a few session of one-to-one tuition to have a better grasp of the basics – leading to an improved exam performance – enquire now about our Consultation Tuition, and we’d be happy to arrange a few special sessions with a consultant teacher in any of the core academic subjects.
High-quality online teaching by the most competent of teachers
Our purpose is to support aspirational parents in their quest. We help teenagers to boost performance and fulfil their academic potential. We are all about helping to make dreams a reality and we are very proud of our record of achievement since 2004.
Benefits of joining Excel in Key Subjects
An experts’ organisation with a proven track record. We have been helping children improve their GCSE (or IGCSE) grades for 16 years. Your child will achieve the GCSE grades we predict or we give your money back!
Our teachers are highly experienced
- They teach A-level and GCSE in the top schools and some are semi-retired
- Many are examiners
- They know the latest curriculum and have an excellent record of delivering high exam grades.
Our small class size ensures
- Individual attention to each student within a small group setting
- Accelerated learning with other high achieving teenagers who want to learn
Your child can also bring their problems from school or homework to get help.
We build your child's confidence
- We constantly assess your child's performance with mock tests and provide you feedback
- We help address weak areas and boost confidence
We have helped thousands of young people to achieve the top exam grades at GCSE and A-level. For the almost two decades that we have been around, so many teenagers have benefited from our courses and have gained admission to top universities.
*T&C apply. See our grade guarantee policy for more terms and conditions. This applies only to Saturday classes and is not available for short intensive revision courses.
Your child will achieve or exceed the grade we predict at Excel in Key Subjects, or we will give you a full refund of your tuition fees for that subject.
That’s how confident we are of our proven system.
How do the Saturday classes work for KS3 students?
GCSE and KS3 (Y11, Y10, Y9 and Y8)
Saturday School runs through the academic year – a total of 26 Saturdays from September to May.
On Saturdays, students in small groups of between four and six spend one hour on each subject. In addition to the group teaching, each student also receives one-to-one tutorial on each subject every week. GCSE or KS3 students who take all the five subjects spend roughly about 6 hours in total each Saturday. Some take just two or three subjects, spending less time studying on a Saturday.
Those GCSE who are taking Combined (Double) Science spend less time on the sciences, but Triple Science students spend longer. Both Double and Triple Science contain Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
For most GCSE and KS3 students, classes start at 9.30am and most finish between 2.30 and 3.30pm. It is just like a typical school timetable, with students studying one subject after the other, with a short break between each subject. The only exception is that students are in very small groups and they also receive one-to-one tutorial in addition.
Our grade guarantee applies to GCSE students who enrol for the full academic year (26 Saturdays). Please see terms and conditions for the grade guarantee.
In addition to the Saturday classes, Excel in Key Subjects also offers Intensive Revision courses during Christmas, Half Term, Easter and Summer holidays, as well as one-to-one tuition. Most students attend in person at the centre but a minority attend lessons via a live video call on Zoom or Microsoft Teams.
A-level Students – Upper Sixth or Lower Sixth – Y13 or Y12
Saturday School runs through the academic year – a total of 26 Saturdays from September to May.
On Saturdays, students in small groups of between three and four spend 90 minutes on each subject. In addition to the group teaching, each student also receives one-to-one tutorial on each subject every week. A-level students tend to take one or two subjects; however, some take up to three.
The A-level subjects we cover are: Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Further Maths, English, History and Economics.
For most GCSE and KS3 students, classes start at 9.30am and most finish between 2.30 and 3.30pm. It is just like a typical school timetable, with students studying one subject after the other, with a short break between each subject. The only exception is that students are in very small groups and they also receive one-to-one tutorial in addition.
Our grade guarantee applies to A-level students who enrol for the two full academic years (52 Saturdays). Please see terms and conditions for the grade guarantee.
In addition to the Saturday classes, Excel in Key Subjects also offers Intensive Revision courses during Christmas, Half Term, Easter and Summer holidays, as well as one-to-one tuition. Most students attend in person at the centre but a minority attend lessons via a live video call on Zoom or Microsoft Teams.
Help your child achieve their full potential
Why Students & Parents Love Us
Help your child achieve their full potential
We also run revision camps in the Easter and Christmas school holidays.
Saturday School Locations
St James School,
Earsby St,
W14 8SH
Trinity School*
Shirley Park
East Croydon
*Courses not provided or endorsed by any of the schools where our centres are based.