Posts Tagged ‘exams’
Hard working student or smart working students GCSE and A-level
Having two teenagers who are both in the final year of GCSE and A-level respectively, means the notion of “hard work vs smart work” is a constant topic of conversation in my household… If you ask anyone which is better: smart work or hard work, the answer is a no-brainer, as the Americans say! My…
Read MoreParents of a certain Tribe… matters that we take more seriously…
I’m using the word “tribe” here as I struggle to come up with a better word, despite the risk of this word being open to all sorts of interpretations. In my three or so decades as a teacher in the English secondary education system, for half of which my role also includes being a parent,…
Read MoreGCSE & A-level Exams Parental support is never over until the last exam
It’s never over until it’s all over – not until the last exam paper is done … Now the summer exams have started for GCSE and A-level students, many are relieved as they have realised that it’s not as bad as they had anticipated it was going to be. Other teenagers wish they had been…
Read MoreExam preparation – Is there much we parents can do to help the teenager at this crucial time?
Exam preparation – Is there much we parents can do to help the teenager at this crucial time? For parents who have children in the final year of their courses GCSE or A-level (Y11 or Y13 – 5th form and U6th), they will experience what goes on when their child is preparing for an exam…
Read MoreThe number one challenge faced by parents in supporting their teenagers to fulfil their potential
There are not many things that give me as much pleasure as speaking to parents and teenagers about their dreams and aspirations, and this is a journey that I’ve been on since 1993. It has been largely a tremendous experience and I’m glad to say that it’s been overwhelmingly filled with jubilations; however, it would…
Read MoreRevising-GCSE-A-level-in-the-Library-how effective?
Teenagers Revising for GCSE and A-level in the Library – how effective? For the first time in three years the exam season is here – I mean proper GCSE and A-level examinations. We all know the importance of hard work, and teachers and parents stress this all the time in their quest to get the…
Read MoreReturn to school; Learning technology and Grade Misallocation – making the best of …
Return to school; Learning technology and Grade Misallocation – making the best of … Once again, another school holiday has begun without parents and young people knowing if they will be going back to school at the end of it or not – thanks to the pandemic. Even before the discovery of the Omicron variant…
Read MoreGood Teachers are Worth their Weight in Gold!
A Good Teacher is Worth their Weight in Gold! There is a saying that goes “a good teacher is like a candle, it consumes itself to light the way of others” – a quote from Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. The difference a teacher can make to the life of a child cannot be overemphasised. Every adult…
Read MoreThere are many reasons for optimism about our children’s education and future; but there are hidden truths…
Much has been said about how many children have lost teaching and socialising time as a result of lockdown, which is true and, sadly, may be even worse than we thought. It is reassuring to see that the economic impact of the pandemic is turning out not to be as bad as it was previously…
Read MoreA Levels and University Entrance Part 1
Continuing on from the earlier interviews with Esma Akkilic, Mr. Musty and Esma sat down to speak about A Levels and University Entrance. Esma has studied with Excel in Key Subjects and she has been offered a place at the London School of Economics to study Politics. This follows her spectacular success at both GCSE…
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