GCSE & A-level Grade Booster

Saturday Classes, Intensive Revision during school holidays and other Courses

Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, English & Further Maths

Improved GCSE or A-Level Grades
Call 020 7112 4832

School’s Partnership and Support programme


Working in Partnership with Schools to Boost GCSE and A-level exam Grades in Core academic Subjects

Programmes for the COVID Recovery Fund

We specialise is one-to-one and group teaching for GCSE and A-level students



What is Unique about Excel in Key Subjects support programme


We set exam standard questions after each teaching session

Work is marked and meaningful feedback provided

We genuinely care about the young people we work with

Although we cover a broad range of ability, we also have courses that specifically target high achievers who are aiming for the top grades at GCSE or A-level

Our teachers are qualified and experienced

Costing of Schools' Partnership programme – working directly with schools


15 hours teaching block
no. of pupils Length of each session (minutes) No. of sessions
(to make up a 15-hour block)
Per Session cost (£) Per pupil per session cost Per 15-hour block cost
(up to 3) 60 15 £  80.00 £ 26.67 £ 1,200.00
10 hours teaching block
no. of pupils Length of each session (minutes) No. of sessions
(to make up a 10-hour block)
Per Session cost (£) Per pupil per session cost Per 10-hour block cost
(up to 3) 60 10 £85.00 £28.33 £850.00



GCSE Intensive Revision of up to 12 students in a group (in-person or ONLINE)
no. of pupils (up to 10 ) Length of each session – hours per day No. of days per subject Hourly Total fee for the course Per pupil per session cost (£)
12 5 2 £ 105.00 £  1,050.00 £  8.75
A-level Intensive Revision of up to 10 students in a group (in-person or ONLINE)
no. of pupils (up to 10) Length of each session - hours per day No. of days per subject Hourly rate(£) Total fee for the course Per pupil per session cost(£)
10 6 3 £ 125.00 £  2,250.00 £ 12.50



Fees are inclusive of any addition by the government. As a registered charity, we do not charge VAT
Ratio: one teacher to two, three or four students
Nature of Teaching – most courses are Online via MicrosoftTeams or Zoom. Limited availability forin-person at the school
Availability –Courses can be booked all year round. When we know the specific subjects, we can provide you the availability of the teachers
Level or Year Group covered – GCSE; A-level; KS3
Subject covered – English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Triple, Combined and Singe Science covered). We also have limited availability for History
Teachers: Qualified teachers –including highly experience teacher – some are semi-retired
One teacher can work with up to 4 students in a group. The above fees are for 1, 32 or 3 students. For four students the fees above are prorata

There is a separate fees structure or Intensive Revision of up to


To find out more, please call 020 7112 4832 or send an e-mail to info@ExcelinKeySubjects.com