Improved GCSE or A-Level Grades
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A brief note about some of the students and the information presented here
All the A-level results that we have had back are A* and A, except for one C grade. There are no other grades in the results we have had back.
These results are for the students who attended the Saturday classes for the whole academic year in the last year of their A-levels. One of the students attended for only two terms in the final year of her A-level, as she was sufficiently confident in the Maths and Further Maths that she was taking with us, so that she felt she did not need to attend in the summer term. Almost all the students in the short case study below studied with us before COVID. From March 2020 to June 2021 – due to COVID – we moved all the lessons online but resumed in-person in September 2021.
The information here is for all the results that we received feedback from the parents after exams results were released. They are from all the parents who responded to our request to tell us their sons’ and daughters’ results.
These young people have achieved an excellent set of A-level results. This is bearing in mind that it is more challenging to achieve the top grade in 2023, as they have had to reduce the number of top grades awarded to adjust for the perceived grade inflation by teachers’ assessment due to COVID in the previous two years. Like all the students in the country, they are the first public exams that these students have taken, as GCSEs exams were cancelled when they were in Y11.
Elam – A*, A* – Further Maths, Maths
Elam joined the Saturday classes in Y10 to study English, Maths and the Science subjects.
In the last year of her GCSE, she only attended for two terms, as she was sufficiently confident in the Maths and Further Maths that she was taking with us, so she felt she did not need to attend in the summer term. Her younger brother joined us instead for the last part of his GCSE in the last few weeks of the summer term.
Elam achieved two A*s and one A in Maths, Further Maths and Computing (she did not study computing with us). Elam is off to Edinburgh to study Computer Science.
Shunyu – A*, A*, A, A – Further Maths, Maths, Chemistry, Biology
Shunyu first joined the Saturday classes in Y8 to study English, and the Science subjects.
He did not do Maths as found the day would be too long and tiring. He was very young at the time and he had to travel from Wimbledon to UCL in central London every Saturday at the time. When he was older and started his GCSE, he added Maths to the subjects he was taking with us. He ended up with top GCSE grades – mainly 8s and 9s.
At A-level, Shunyu achieved two A*s and two A grades in Further Maths, Maths, Chemistry and Biology, respectively. He is taking a year out and will be going to study medicine next year.
This is a bright, diligent and well-organised young man, who is well-focused and always on time. He has an excellent future ahead of him.
Euan – A*, A* Chemistry and Biology
Euan started with us in the second term of his Y10 and was with us all the way to the end of Y13.
Euan achieved three A*s in Biology, Chemistry and Maths (he did not study Maths with us for his A-levels as Maths is not a subject that he needed help in) and is off to Exeter to study Medicine. He is following in the footsteps of his older brother who also studied with us when he was taking his GCSEs and A-level.
He was a little quiet when he joined us at the age of 15, and it is a delight to see him growing in stature and confidence. I do not know if the fact that he had travel from the far northern part of London – Barnet – all the way to West London every Saturday helped him! Euan is a model student – a bright and diligent young man and I wish him well for the promising and exciting future that lies ahead of him.
Alice – C grade in Maths (name changed to protest her identity)
Alice started studying Maths with us when she was in Y9. She also studied English with us when she was in Y10. She grew in competence and confidence, and achieved the top grade in Maths in her GCSE. She then carried on to study the subject at A-level. She and members of her family were very ill during the time of her A-level examinations, but she nevertheless persevered and ended up with a good pass grade in this most marketable of A-level subjects. Alice achieved a Grade C in Maths and B in Economics and Geography, but she only studied Maths with us. She has been offered places at a few good universities, including Royal Holloway, but she is still contemplating on which one to accept.
This is a quietly determined young lady and she will do very well in the future.
Tivisha – A* in Biology
Tvisha first started attending the Saturday classes when she was in Y8 and took Maths and various subjects with us over a period of six years. She had a break for some time and came back to us for the last half of her A-levels just to study Biology.
She achieved A*, A and A in Biology, Chemistry and Maths, respectively, but only studied Biology with us for A-level. She is off to Imperial College to study Biological Sciences.
Tvisha is a diligent young lady, who fucuses on her studies and she is very reliable. She deserves every success and has a very promising future ahead of her.
Testimonials – after the August 2021 Exam Results
We'd just like to share with you, a short snippet from two conversations with a father – Mr C (father’s full name not quoted for privacy). Both conversations were in August after the release of the exam results – the first was in August 2019 and the second was last month – August 2021.
Conversation A – August 2019
Idris – Good afternoon, Mr C … how did Calum do in his A-levels?
Mr C – He got three A*s and he’s off to UCL to study medicine.
… you can read more about other things that Mr C said at the bottom of this page
Conversation B – August 2020
Idris – Good morning, Mr C …. How did Euan do in his GCSEs?
Mr C – He got all Grade 9s in all the subjects he studied with you – Physics, Chemistry and Biology thanks to your teachers … When are you starting the new academic year as I want Euan to study two A-level subjects with you?
Idris – Thank you for thanking me, but I’d like to thank you too for two things:
- The trust you have placed in us over the last five years or so, starting with when you first enrolled Calum with us to do GCSE and then A-level…
- I was not in a good state when the pandemic forced us to close our premises in March last year. This was just before our busiest period, with the exams approaching. You were the main encourager that nudged me to consider online, and, within two weeks, we had figured it out and started delivering high quality online teaching. We are now back to in-premises lessons at our centres….
Please look at the bottom of this testimonial page for more stories about Mr C
Mr & Mrs S and their three children… September 2021
Below is part of the conversation I had with Mrs S in August, on the day exam results were released.
Idris – Good afternoon, Mrs S, how are you… I’m just calling to find out how your daughter, S did in her Triple Science GCSEs….
Mrs S – She got Grade 8 in Biology, and also 8 in Physics but Grade 7 in Chemistry; which I am very pleased with – Thank you for all your help. Hopefully we will be enrolling our younger son, A, with you for this September…
A little background about the daughter of Mr & Mrs S– Cindy (not her correct name to protect her privacy)
She was the second child that Mr & Mrs S enrolled with us. And when she joined us midway through Y10, she was not doing that well in science subjects and, at some point, there were discussions at school about relegating her from Triple to Double Science, as they feared she would not be able to do well enough in Triple Science. In the end, she stayed and, with the support we provided her, and her own eagerness to succeed, she prevailed and achieved 7, 8, 8 – the equivalent of A/A*, which is much more challenging to achieve in Triple Science, in comparison to Double Science.
The above conversation took place in August. They have already registered their third child – the younger son, A, with us for this September.
At least three members of the family will be attending our Open Day this Saturday 11th September 2021: the mother; the younger son – A, and finally the older son – Y, who was the first child they enrolled with us over three years ago. Y is going back to Cambridge next week to start his second year of a degree in Economics. I look forward to seeing him, as, when I saw him on Zoom, he had facial hair – which he did not have when he was studying with us about three years ago… Just an interesting little detail!
More Success Stories are to come on this page – including the following
- S – a student who achieved three A grades at A-level, and she is off to Nottingham University to do a six-year medicine course
- Z – a student who achieved three one A and two A* grades at A-level, and he is off to Kings College to do Dentistry
- S – who achieved Grade 9 in Maths, Chemistry and Biology; Grade 8 in Physics and Grade 7 in English Language. He is back with us this September to study A-level in Maths, Chemistry and Biology
- And many more...
Watch this space for more success stories from the 2021 exam results.
A testimonial received in February 2021
"My son found his chemistry A level challenging and this made him worry that he would not achieve the grade A he needed for his first university choice. Excel provided some timely, supportive and informative revision sessions. The teaching was excellent, and my son was able to explore certain topics he did not fully understand with skilled tutors in his science subject. He was particularly grateful that the teachers were sensitive to his emotional state and they helped him to feel calmer and more confident that he could achieve his grade. My son, with the support of Excel, achieved his A grade and is now studying biochemistry at his first choice university. We cannot thank the Excel team enough and would recommend the exceptional and thoughtful educational support they offer.
Wishing you all the best, keep safe.
Below is a message received from a parent, about three months after enrolling her daughter with us – March and May 2020
Action Title: feedback "Action Notes - 15th May 2020
"Thank you , I just wanted everyone at excel know that inspite of the exams being cancelled I am so pleased with the sessions . I feel Irene got a lot out of them , and it was certainly worth the money spent. I have been so busy and have not filled out the feedback form but please pass this on ."
Mrs. J-P, Docklands, east London (daughter's first name has been changed to protect confidentiality)
"Further to the reports and our chat on moving forward, I am pleased to say that I have just had a good set of 1st mock tests from Uxbridge College (they have 2 sets of mocks)
Maths: 6/7
Biology: 6 (7/8 had it been the correct usage of terminology)
Chemistry: 6 (this is despite the teacher not giving enough material- and the avenue class score being 3
Priyanka has again thanked me for enrolling her with Excel. (name changed to protect the student’s identity
We are very confident that Excel will help Priyanka achieve her top targets.
Where Priyanka has scored a 3 in Maths at Excel, I understand that the paper was a combo of GCSE and AS level. Hence, being challenged well – something Priyanka thrives on and is motivated by.
Will discuss progress in due course.
Mrs SV – West London
Over the years, we have received a large number of unsolicited letters and testimonials from parents. Firstly, we’d like to share some videos from a recent pupils and parent with you.
Here are two more testimonials
To book a place, click here.
Mr. de Bernier
" |
Nathanael de Bernier |
Israel Kolade |
August 2019 - after the A-level Result
Response below from Ms R, when we asked for her daughter's result.
A2 Maths (expected D/E) obtained C
General comment from mother:
"I have been very satisfied with your service. This combined with my daughter’s hard work and dedication led to her exceeding my expectations and getting into her first choice uni"
Ms. P R - South East London
Action Due Date: 20/8/2019
The above students did a couple of intensive revision courses with us during Christmas holiday and also in May.
Response below is from Mrs B, when we asked for her daughter's result.
"Thanks for asking. Cara did well, A in maths, A in chemistry and C in Spanish.
She’s going to Loughborough university.
Thank you very much - please thank all her teachers."
Action Due Date: 20/8/2019
The student above studied mainly Chemistry with us from January to June. She came for the intensive revision during the Christmas holiday and then decided to start attending the Saturday classes as well in Chemistry. She also studied Maths with us only very briefly.
Action Title: exam results
Action Notes: just to let you know I was glad C* joined Excel in key subjects.
I am delighted to let you know that he passed.
He achieved A in English, A* in Maths and Combined Science.
I have already recommended Excel to my colleagues.
Needless to say, C* will carry on for his A levels
And his sister will enrol soon.
Thank you so much. You guys were amazing.
Carlton has so much confidence now.
From an ecstatic parent. ......................................................................
The second video is from a former student at Excel in Key Subjects. Esma Akkilic.
"Esma is now a mini-celebrity, after featuring in the Eurovision Song Contest. You can Google her name and you’ll see her dancing on the stage, on BBC. This tremendous young lady combines her music career with her A-level studies. Her musical talent is a welcome extra; we were only too happy to have been able to help her at a crucial moment in her life, in the final year of her GCSEs. She now has 4 A grades at AS level and is looking to achieve even higher at A2 – What a young woman!"
-Idris Mustapha March 2014
Joy’s mother General comment: On behalf of my family, I would like to say a big thank you to the team at Excel in Key Subjects for their commitment, encouragement, dedication and support to the Subjects taught. Joy grew in confidence in Maths and had self belief that she could do the Higher Tier despite the school tutoring her only for Foundation. She didn’t have the right support from the school nor was she allowed to go into a higher tier class to learn, which made her more determined to succeed If not for our intervention through EIKS, I don’t think she would have had the chance nor even make a 5 in the higher paper. Our only regret was not to have started early due to cost constraints but grateful that despite al the odds against her and without the school support, she was able to excel regardless. My personal advise first to parents, don’t let the school put a ceiling on your child’s ability. Take ownership for your child’s progress and monitor it closely. Where intervention is needed, source it early and monitor that the kid is getting the full benefit. |
From Finn's mother:
Dear Barbara,
Thank you very much for Finn’s feedback report. Finn thoroughly enjoyed his science lessons at Excel and he found the teaching a positive and confidence building experience. The first biology and chemistry papers have gone well, and it was physics today! The teachers and Mr Mustapha really helped so please pass our thanks on to them all. I will let you know the grades he achieves.
Kind regards
From Finn:
Dear Mr Mustapha, Barbara and my tutors at Excel,
I collected my GSCE results today and I am very happy to tell you I achieved grade 9 in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Thank you so much for all your help, I am certain it made a big difference to my results, as all of my science grades increased massively compared to my mocks!
Best wishes
Sent from my iPad
This student is now studying A-level with us - following his GCSE success
From Calum’s father
Student’s name …………CALUM C…………………………………………………….
Subject | GCSE/A-level |
Exam grade (expected) |
Exam grade (obtained) |
Did your child take this subject with us? |
Maths | A level | A | A* | Yes, in the first year of A-level only | |
Biology | A level | A | A* | Yes, in both years | |
Chemistry | A level | A | A* | Yes, in both years |
Were your overall expectations met or not? YES
Which aspects of our service have found to be the most helpful? The interactions with the teachers and the question /answers helped eliminate any blind spots or knowledge gaps
What could we have done better to support your son in his examinations? Not much come to mind really.
Would you recommend Excel in Key Subjects to other parents/students? YES, definitely
Please feel free to make any comment as you wish below
General comment from Calum's father: My son found the course extremely supportive and gave him confidence that he was 1. Covering the subject matter 2. Eliminating gaps and challenging his opinions 3. Testing himself routinely. Calum always stated that the teachers were accessible and friendly and routinely challenged the students’ knowledge. The balance between course work and exam practice was great and provided him with added confidence that he was on track. Thank you Mr C, North London Calum is now studying medicine at UCL and his junior brother is coming soon to study GCSE with us |
Below are more letters and notes of praise from other satisfied parents and students.
Hello Mr. Duffy,
I’m not sure if you remember me but I came for a session with you for C4 mathematics in the summer. I found the session very helpful and I told you I would keep you informed of my progress. Obviously the A-Level results were released some time ago so I thought I’d let you know how I got on. I achieved an A* in Biology, an A in Chemistry and an A in maths. I am now going to study medicine at the University of East Anglia who have now kindly switched me from the 6 year foundation medical degree to the standard 5 year medical degree.
Therefore, I would just like to say thank you for your help in the C4 session we did (in particular the help with vectors and the answers you e-mailed me). I’m certain without your help I would not have achieved an A in maths and I would not be studying medicine. Again a very big thank you and I hope you will be able to help others like me to achieve their dreams in the future.
Sincerest thanks,
Justin Dupey
Dear Dr. Cartmell,
I apologise for this late email in the wake of the A-Level exam results as I have been busy travelling and had to trawl deep into my inbox to find your email address to say big thank you for the Biology revision course you provided at Excel in UCL* a few months ago.
My result is a clear testament to your excellent teaching; I achieved full UMS in both Unit 4 and Unit 5 Biology exams and achieved an A* overall! I do not think that without your philosophies and wisdom about approaching exam questions that this would be possible. Getting a B at AS was not the best thing to help me want to achieve at least an A by the end of A2 and things didn’t look too good approaching a more applied year. Nevertheless, achieving full UMS this year, thanks to your thorough help, effectively got me the A* (my only A* amongst 2 A’s in Maths and Chemistry). I hope this upholds the excellent standards of students that you teach.
These grades have secured my place at Newcastle University to study Medicine which I’m absolutely thrilled about and my dream of becoming a doctor is ever so close.
To reiterate, thank you so much, I owe you my place at Newcastle University – I am deeply grateful. I hope you are well.
Yours sincerely,
Pierre Ezuma
“I couldn’t afford to send my son to private school but the investment I made in Excel in Key Subjects in the final year of my son’s GCSEs was a good one. Nathanael now has a scholarship and full bursary to a prestigious independent school to study A-levels”
-Mr Paul de Bernier – father of Nathanael
“I can only describe it as the light had gone on’. Colin’s science teachers at school have noticed the difference too and his predicted grades are very good”
- Mrs Granger
“I am really pleased with Jeremy’s confidence level. He is ahead of the game in class (at his normal school). The smaller class sizes have forced him to participate. Excel in Key Subjects has given him an extra bit of confidence and helped him in areas he’s struggling with”
- Mrs Delano
“Excel in Key Subjects has a much better working environment than school where you get more work done and the general quality is a lot better. I’m definitely coming back next year”
-Jeremy, an AS Maths, Chemistry and Biology student
“Colin’s predicted grades are good. He needed a boost and the personal tuition with great tutor pupil ratios has made a real difference. Colin has benefited greatly. At a relatively early stage Colin was saying ‘I understand’ in relation to aspects of Physics and Chemistry”
- Mrs Delano
“The difference at Excel in Key Subjects is that the teachers are interested in the individual not just the group. You are only as strong as your weakest link, and Excel in Key Subjects weakest link is fairly strong”
- Mr Paul de Bernier
“Funmilola’s academic performance has improved and with that her confidence too. The feedback from my daughter is that she gets a chance to understand topics that are either not widely covered at school or not covered at all”
- Mr. Awolade from Woodford
Below is a letter from the parents of one of our past students. No amendment has been made to their letter, except for deleting the full name of the student and her parents to safeguard their confidentiality. The girl in question goes to one of the top public schools (fee paying) – a school where IGCSE is offered in Mathematics, as opposed to GCSE, which is offered by over 95% of schools in England and Wales. Since these parents wrote to us in August 2007, we have enhanced the provision for maths and English. For Maths, we now have specialist IGCSE Maths teachers. In English Language, we now cater for the needs of specific examination boards – AQA, OCR and Edexcel (Students studying the Welsh examination board WJEC can also benefit).
“Dear All, This is just a note to thank you for all the help and confidence you gave R during her Saturday school and during the two days she spent with you at half term this year (she started with you on 24 February). As mentioned previously, we sent R to you to build on her existing successes in the mocks and to ensure her revision was not all left to the last minute and we are glad to say, it worked! In Double Award Science, she went up from the AA she received in her January mocks to A* A*. In IGCSE Maths, she went up from B to A and in English Language and Literature, she maintained the AA she managed in the mock but with an A* in the English Analysis and Argument paper. We feel that, had she been studying the same board as most of your students for English and had she been following the maths GCSE course, rather than the IGCSE course which is a more complex syllabus, she could perhaps have attained A* in those subjects too. That was the only drawback with your courses in that you are not wholly geared up for different English Boards or for the IGCSE in mathematics. However, we have to say she did very much enjoy the English classes – all the classes she attended with you in fact – so that must have been good for her confidence which of course is a real boon.
To anyone with children coming up to GCSE, we would say, start early and go to Excel in Key Subjects as soon as you can! Actually, a Christmas course in the GCSE year would be of more use than the Easter course you already offer as it would help children with their mocks too and the earlier one prepares the better. Ideally, a child should attend courses at Christmas and Easter but the earlier the better in our view. Your introduction of a half term course in May, just before the exams, was a good innovation but, unfortunately, R’s IGCSE maths exams had already taken place just before. Overall, we were extremely pleased with R’s GCSE results as she attained 5 x A* in Ancient Greek, Latin, French and Double Science and 4 x A in Mathematics, Geography, English Literature and English Language plus a B in Art. As she is taking Greek, Latin, French and Art A level with Italian GCSE, she will not be attending any more of your classes and sadly has no younger siblings so we cannot avail ourselves of your services again unless you happen to diversify into the arts. We highly commend what you do and feel you offer excellent value for money but would warn anyone to send their child early! Please convey our sincere thanks to all those who taught R. Kind regards to all.”
- Mr & Mrs H from Hampstead in London
The following interviews were conducted by a journalist from a local newspaper. We have not altered the content in any way or form. It is a honest and complete statement from parents – nothing added, nothing removed – just the names quoted as the first letters of each name.
“I saw an advert in the Camden New Journal, and I thought, that would be great for Christopher to help him, with science and maths in particular, it was those subjects he needed help with. He’s thoroughly enjoying himself, and it’s spurred him on to do summer university during the holidays. EIKS are very, very nice people, very well informed. I was hoping the class size would be small, which they are, one-to-one, compared to what they have in school, large classes. Christopher has been talking to me about it, they are very honest and open about everything, if he’s not doing well, they will tell me, they’re pretty good people. My expectations have definitely been met this year – it remains to be seen next year, when there are GCSEs for real and he gets into the nitty gritty of exams. I know he would have struggled with maths but he’s very confident now. The classroom can be disruptive, but Excel in Key Subjects don’t have that problem. All some kids want to do is get on with it. Excel in Key Subjects are upfront and straight, when you read reports, they will tell the truth, and you don’t beat about the bush. That’s great, not all people are honest like that, as a parent you want the truth. I would rate them as a 10 all round, I’ve not had any lie from them and I’ve seen Christopher improve so much, he’s happy and confident, he can go to school and say – I can do that – and the other kids can’t, he’s ahead and that makes him feel more confident, he’s achieving. They have done wonders for Christopher. Next year is a big year for him. For what they charge, they’re doing an excellent job, I can’t afford it, but it’s worth it; that bit of extra money you might otherwise spend on yourself or something stupid. I don’t have any recommendations for anything else they could do to improve Excel in Key Subjects. Parents are always welcome, knowing you can go any time is really great. It’s not like the school, with EIKS you are allowed in lessons, any time, you don’t even have to give notification. If Chris was late they would call and tell me, or if he had to do homework, they’d call. I would definitely recommend it, I have already recommended it to one of his friend’s dad. I’d thoroughly recommend it, they’re great, they ring you and keep you informed.”
- Mrs P – son joined us when he was in Y10
“I put Tami in for her welfare, I believe she has improved a great deal since then. I’m very pleased that EIKS have given her lots of homework, that’s very good, we try to encourage her to do her homework in time. But I don’t think there’s enough feedback as to how she’s getting along, it’s not very nice to ask every week. It’s a good idea to just send a letter, so we can see how she’s doing and then we can encourage her even more, we can see where she’s going. She has improved a great deal, I’m hoping to put her back again, if she can improve even more that will be a great achievement for her. It’s up to her, we can push her so much but after that it’s up to her. Having a class from 9.00- 3.30 is very good, there’s enough time for child to learn then. I’ve seen other Saturday schools, they teach for one hour, two hours, and that’s not enough, they’re not really achieving anything. I’m very pleased with EIKS – we have recommended it to a few people and one or two have joined up to it. I haven’t had any contact with the school staff myself, once or twice Mr Mustapha phoned and spoke to my wife.”
- Mr P – daughter in Y10
“I saw it advertised in the Metro so I sent him along for help in Chemistry and Biology. I wanted him to have some revision, before his exams, just because it’s very helpful having classes. The teachers at EIKS were amazing. Obviously at school it’s hard to get personal attention, due to class sizes, he had some gaps in his knowledge and some trouble areas, but that’s all been remedied. He said to me, there are certain topics he did struggle in, he was ill and missed classes at school. It was what it expected, definitely, sending him along has improved his standard. I would definitely recommend it, by the very fact that the teachers are very good, the biology teacher has actually written a book. They’re amazing, very encouraging, and explain things in a clear manner. There’s a lot of follow up support, such as past year exam papers and notes. The teacher gave out their email address for queries, and said that at any point students can email and ask questions, that’s a very good service. We were very lucky, his classes were very small. He’s just taken his exams last week, and he’s happy with how it went.”
- Mrs E A –son in Y11
“I like the way they allow people to pay in instalments, it’s a hefty bulk to pay and to spread the cost is very useful. Yes, I think it’s a good idea if they had more classes in the session. I saw it in the Camden journal. It’s good, it helps children to overcome the problems they have, if they didn’t understand something in school, they may understand when they have one-to-one tuition. Then they have the chance to discuss the problem with tutors, and this builds confidence. My daughter told me that everybody has to contribute in the class, which I think is very good. It’s good that they have a small number of children, there’s less than the numbers in the school classes, there’s about 12 children in each class. I think it’s a bit expensive, but if you want to achieve something then you have to pay. My daughter had an exam yesterday, science, and she said it was easy. She said she remembered all the formulae from EIKS and didn’t find it that hard. They keep you informed about your child’s progress, which is good. I like the time, Saturday daytime, except it’s a bit early, from 9am, maybe if it was from 10am and finished a bit later on that would be better. I feel that it’s still ok though. Yes, if I talk to a friend I would recommend it, I keep telling people it’s good. I would also like my other daughter to attend, because my daughter has found it useful. One of the teachers called me about the year 10 module. After my daughter went to EIKS they called me, the teachers said she did very very well, and she missed an A by a few marks, about four. I believe it’s the help from EIKS. Yes, I’ve noticed an improvement, her English was a D last year and this year she has may get an A or B, these are her predicted grades at school. So you can see from D to B, there’s a big improvement. And that’s although she missed some of the classes, because I didn’t have enough money for them. Rather than finishing early, I think it’s good if they had more classes. My daughter is going to go back again when she’s at sixth form, I want to encourage her to go, and I also want her sister to go too.”
- Mrs Atkinson – daughter in Y11
“When I started Excel with ten weeks to go before my retake A Level English Exams, I felt extremely unsure in a subject which I had grossly under-achieved in, considering up until year thirteen I was an A-grade student. Having received a C in my final grade I felt that I would require a huge amount of help to obtain the A that I felt I so wanted and needed. When I first started my lessons I was extremely happy with the help I received, and just how forthcoming it was in an atmosphere of enthusiasm and intelligence. The English teachers that tutored me during the ten weeks were knowledgeable and extremely encouraging, and the general management exuded a huge amount of tolerance and patience. In the run-up to my exams I was given probably the best revision help I have ever received, and so was able to get through my exams with the minimal amount of stress that so usually accompanies this period. When I heard that I had achieved my A-grade in English A-level I felt that the majority of congratulations should really go to Excel in Key Subjects for their on-going support and excellent teaching.”
- Margo – an A-level English student
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*This course is not provided or endorsed by UCL
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Here is a link to the Testimonials after 2018 Summer examinations webpage for other testimonials: