No chance of mucking up the mocks!
The month leading up to Christmas and also the month after is very exciting for families throughout the country as students from the age of 15 and 18 sit their mock exams in school. As if thinking about Christmas presents is not enough, parents also have to occupy their minds with such notions as: Is James going to make the grade?
For many students, mock exams are in addition to modular exams they take in the months of November and January. Students ought to do their best to prepare well for the mock; however, they should not allow a bad result in the mock to discourage them. Despite the anxiety surrounding examinations, it can be helpful for the student as it can serve as either a wake-up call’ or a reinforcement of confidence. From my experience the majority of students who perform less than expected in the mocks go on to achieve good exam results when the real time comes the following summer. Sadly this is not the case for everyone but only for those who grab the bull by the horns and use the opportunity to buckle-under and get themselves well prepared for the summer exams.
Please follow the links below for more information and practical advice for parents on how to get the best out of the system:
Words of encouragement from Mum and Dad.
On course for the examinations.
Excel in Key Subjects offers courses in
- KS3 Saturday Classes
- GCSE Saturday Classes
- AS/A2 Saturday Classes
- Easter Revision Courses
- May Revision Courses
“We wish all our students, teachers and parents a very happy and peaceful Christmas and a positive and productive New Year.