Success Tips for your Child as we countdown to the summer exams

We are now at that critical stage of the academic year when many teenagers are in the final stages of preparing for the all important summer examinations. Irrespective of how well the young person has prepared by studying and revising, what they do in the final weeks and the way they do those things can still make a significant difference to their examination result.

It would be incorrect to say that success in the examination is due to just doing two or three things correctly. It is due to quite a lot of factors and, as I wrote in February, those factors can be categorised into three broad areas, namely: the support system, the action taken by the student (behaviour) and, finally, academic ability.

At Excel in Key Subjects, my colleagues and I have written extensively on this in the past and today we are sending you a link to some of the most important tips in terms what the teenager or the parent can do to help guide their son or daughter towards maximising their grades in this summer’s examinations.

What I would like to do here today is to direct you to some of the articles that we have written in the past, specifically about exam preparation as a whole and revision in particular. I’m also including a link to an article about the new grades 9 to 1 as these are causing a lot of anxiety at present. Each article provides tips and things to think about for both the parent and the child at critical times of the exam preparation.

One of the most powerful tips that we have provided was put together by my colleague, Megan Smith, and is called: “21 Exam Booster Tips”. This is designed to be accessed over a period of 21 days so that each aspect of the 21 tips can be digested over a period of time. However, a student or parent can access all the material in a shorter time if they wish. The link to the first one is at the top of the list below.

Links to previous blogs

Key factors for exam success:

Tips for days closer to the exam itself:

The new 9 to 1 GCSE grading system